I LOVE blue-black hair. Both hair that is so black it's blue, and black hair with blue highlights or balayage added in. When I got my Wonder Woman tattoo I made sure the artist added blue highlights in her hair. However since I have been colouring my hair as blue-black as humanly possible since 2013, the likeliness of me getting my hair light enough without severely damaging hair to get blue highlights was slim. Once I asked Gianni what she would do if I asked her to colour my hair blue. She just stared me down and said, "No.".
One day it finally came to us, extensions! I've always thought of extensions as being used for length and volume, but it never really occurred to me to use extensions for colour. Lisa put blue tape-in extensions in my hair and instantly I had my comic book blue black hair! With how my hair is cut, 6 extensions were the perfect amount for pops of blue to come through my black hair.
Dream hair!
And with those 6 extensions, my dream hair was achieved instantly without having to lighten and potentially damage my hair. Extensions are a viable option for those wanting big colour changes who don't want to potentially damage their hair. With the amount of colour options, and having the ability to custom colour extensions as well, we can give you the hair of your dreams instantly, for about the same price, and in a fraction of the time that colouring hair takes- without risking the integrity of your hair.
For the month of April we are taking 20% off the price of extensions! We offer both tape in and fusion extensions. If you've been curious about extensions but worried about the price, now is a great time to try them out!